Safer Certifications made Easier

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Increase Credibility

Whitelabeled solution for schools with
enhanced blockchain verification technology

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Seamless Transactions

Best-in-class transactions per second capacity

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Variable Verification

Multi-tier Approvals to give more control
over the Scheduled Issuance status quo

Credentials Verified through blockchain

A record certification system designed to assist schools in securely storing, sharing and verifying local documents

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Real Time Verification

With tamper-proof digital integration, businesses, schools and students can cut verification process times from days to minutes

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Digital Backup

With the tamper-proof technology, physical records aren’t necessary

Easy Tamper & Proof Coordination

With the digital ledger, your certifications can easily be distributed without having to worry about fraudulent activity.

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Cost savings

Reduce hours of searching, recording and consolidating of physical records manually

Alternative Revenue Streams

Provide the solutions done by traditional 3rd party verification vendors at the tap of a button

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Get Started

For any inquiries on demos, capabilities, pricing and more please reach out to us and our friendly staff will get back to you as soon as possible.

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